President's Message

February 2016

What a great start to a new year! I love seeing all the puddles throughout Madera County, what a sight for sore eyes. It looks like we are on track for an above average wet year. The only problem is even with all of the rainfall and snow, the drought will not be fixed. I urge everyone throughout the community to keep expressing your voices and concerns about this drought and how it affects everyone, not just farmers. I really hope California does not forget our true problems… water capturing and water delivering systems. We all need water to survive, and because of that California should participate in a campaign to provide awareness about the drought. We are here to help feed this nation, and the world, however we lack the support to do that. Maybe sometimes it takes a moment to see a closed sign at a store to really appreciate that value they received from the store they once visited? Maybe that is what we California and MADERA County farmers need to hold in a higher regard. We need to remember what we do and that we provide for not only this state, but our nation and our world!

On a different note, the Farm Bureau needs your help protecting our values and heritage in this county as we continue to fight. I know we sometime ask a lot, but we can’t do this without having support for the county and our membership. We are in litigation with the Gunner West Ranch development, which is purposed to build nearly 2,800 homes, relying solely on groundwater. It’s these types of projects and concerns in Madera County that require your help and financial support. Please call our office, swing by for a visit if you would like more information or are able to help. Please help us fund our legal actions. Thank you.

© Madera County Farm Bureau
All Rights Reserved 2021

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