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Ag Today August 27, 2020

Why California spends billions but can’t control its wildfires. ‘No simple or cheap solution’ [Sacramento Bee]

… Since Newsom took office in January 2019, the state has spent nearly $500 million expanding Cal Fire’s personnel and equipment. He signed a bill requiring PG&E Corp. and the other major utilities to spend a combined $5 billion on wildfire safety. … Yet the fires seem to keep getting out of control, and experts say they’ll continue to roar in the months and years ahead, unless the state and federal governments continue to spend billions of dollars more on making California communities more resilient to fire. … In August alone, California has seen fires burn in a wide array of habitats.


California lawmakers seek $2.5 billion to protect homes from wildfires, thin forests [Sacramento Bee]

A group of legislators is pushing a bill to spend $2.5 billion on wildfire prevention in California, with the costs borne by ratepayers of PG&E Corp. and other major utilities. With the legislative session winding down and wildfires burning more than 1.3 million acres in California in the past week, AB 1659 would dedicate funding for battling climate change and accelerating the thinning of forests and other heavily-vegetated areas. Money would also be spent on “home hardening” and the creation of “defensible space” around communities and homes.


California COVID-19 workers’ comp claims soar [Cal Matters]

… Workers’ compensation claims for COVID-19 have spiked dramatically in the past two months, from about 4,700 in May to about 10,900 in June and more than 11,600 in July, according to data from the California Department of Industrial Relations, which oversees the program. … Essential workers like Guzman have extra protections because of an executive order Gov. Gavin Newsom signed in May. The order presumes these workers who contracted COVID-19 were infected on the job, and puts the burden on employers to prove otherwise. Still, even essential workers can see their claims denied.


Homeless essential workers face greater risk of COVID-19 [Associated Press]

… It’s a common misconception that homeless people are unemployed, but experts say between 25% to 50% of this population works. In the era of COVID-19, that means many homeless employees are working low-wage essential jobs under conditions that put them at risk of catching or spreading the virus. … Homelessness looks different in different parts of the country, especially in rural agricultural regions such as Imperial County, California. … Unhoused farm workers can be found “sleeping in a car or sleeping under a bridge,” Flores said. “This type of homelessness looks a little bit different than maybe what you find in inner cities.”


Alleged Tulare County ag bandit busted; TCSO recovers $300,000 in stolen pistachios [Visalia Times-Delta]

A Fresno man is behind bars after detectives say he stole truckloads of pistachios from a Tulare County grower in a complex scheme that the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office unraveled over a weekslong investigation. … Detectives say their investigation revealed an “elaborate scheme” that spanned three counties and included suspects using a semi-truck and stolen trailers from a Fresno business. Fortunately, the stolen trailers were outfitted with GPS trackers, allowing detectives to locate the stolen goods and suspects.


Opinion: Prop. 15 horrible for farming [Monterey Herald]

… This November, California voters will be asked either to double down on this state’s high-tax reputation by deciding on Proposition 15 or to join with the Monterey County Farm Bureau to protect our family farms and ranches by voting no. … Supporters of Proposition 15 have tried to claim it exempts farming and ranching operations.  But make no mistake: Agriculture is not exempt. … If you want to help assure a brighter future for California Agriculture and the 400 crops produced each year, join Monterey County Farm Bureau and vote NO on Proposition 15. Visit to join the Farm Bureau coalition.