County Agriculture Stats

Welcome to Madera County

Welcome to Madera County, where farming is still a way of life for many. Madera is home to a wide variety of locally grown produce. Residents can enjoy and purchase fresh produce grown right here at home by visiting our farmers markets.

The climate allows us to grow just about any type of fruit and nut crop, although Madera County’s top three commodities are; almonds, milk and grapes (table, wine and raisin). Most farms in the county are owned by families, and this trend is consistent throughout the state.

Farms are passed down from one generation to the next, and our county boasts many 3rd and 4th generation farm families.

In 2021, 69,000 farms operated in California and the amount of land devoted to farming and ranching in California was 24.2 million acres. The average farm size in the state was 351 acres. We are home to several organic farms, and many farmers choose to vary their farming practices by farming some fields organically and others conventionally. Oftentimes, this decision may be made based on market demand, just as in other types of businesses. Agritourism is alive, with many options to choose from in Madera.

Agritourism is alive, with many options to choose from in Madera. Year-round, the well-traveled Madera Wine Trail is open to wine lovers and the occasional imbiber. The fall brings in corn mazes and pumpkin patches hosted by both local farmers and our local agriculture education programs. Madera County is also home to 5 FFA Chapters and 9 4-H Clubs full of students that are the future of our industry. 

2021-2023 CA Agricultural Statistics Review

Top 3 Commodities:

Almonds, Nuts & Hulls






Overall Gross Crop Production
for Madera County in 2023:


Madera County
State Rankings:




Almonds, Nuts


Grapes, Raisin Variety



© Madera County Farm Bureau
All Rights Reserved 2021

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