2024 Community Health Improvement Plan Released


Name: Media Coordinator
Department: Madera County Department of Public Health
Email address: phmedia@maderacounty.com
Phone: (559) 514-4857
Date: May 20, 2024

The Live Well Madera County – 2024 Community Health Improvement Plan Released

The Madera County Department of Public Health (MCDPH), working alongside the Live Well Madera County (LWMC) Coalition, has unveiled the 2024 LWMC Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). The plan uses data from the 2023 LWMC Community Health Assessment to identify four main health priorities in Madera County:

  • Access to healthcare
  • Domestic violence and child abuse
  • Diabetes and heart disease
  • Substance use

The CHIP is a recurring process that happens every three years. The plan contains community-driven, strategic and measurable goals, intended to help the community achieve better health outcomes. This plan defines how community partners across sectors will come together to address priority health issues. Twenty-nine community and governmental organizations have actively contributed to shaping this CHIP that will guide LWMC activities through 2026.

“As a community-driven initiative, this CHIP is designed to support the community in advocating and mobilizing resources to enhance the overall health and well-being of Madera County’s residents.” said Public Health Director Sara Bosse.

To view the Madera County 2024 Community Health Improvement Plan, visit the MCDPH website at www.MaderaCounty.com/CHIP or to request a physical copy, please contact 559‐615‐7893. To become part of LWMC please email livewellmaderacounty@gmail.com.

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