- (559) 674-8871
- (559) 674-0529
- Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 5:00
Farm Bureau membership isn’t just for farmers and ranchers — although every farmer and rancher should be a member of their local Farm Bureau. Membership in Farm Bureau gives California farmers and ranchers a powerful voice in their county, in Sacramento, and in Washington, D. C. — more important today than ever.
Aside from working hard for our members (legislation, lobbyists, policy implementation), Farm Bureau provides great membership services, benefits, and discounts to all our members.
Everyone is eligible to apply for Farm Bureau membership and receive the many benefits and services available. When you join, you are applying for membership in the Madera County Farm Bureau. All members receive the Madera County Farm Bureau Newspaper produced exclusively for Madera County Farm Bureau members.
Farmers and ranchers who receive income from production agriculture join us as a “Agricultural Member” and receive the weekly Ag Alert, California’s number one agricultural trade journal.
All others can join and lend their support to the work that Farm Bureau does by becoming a “Associate Member” also know as a sustaining member of the Farm Bureau. For just $200 per year you will not only know that you are enhancing the voice of farmers in your community, you will also receive a subscription to California Country magazine and have access to a wide variety of member benefits that are exclusive to Farm Bureau members.
The “Collegiate” membership category is now available for students between the ages of 16 and 25 enrolled in a post-high school education program such as a community college, four-year university or trade school. For just $25 per year Collegiate Farm Bureau members receive access to an online version of Ag Alert®, the award-winning weekly newspaper covering California agriculture. Additionally, collegiate members will have access to scholarship information, internship opportunities and agricultural career information. Membership also includes a discount to register and attend the CFBF Annual Meeting and the annual Young Farmers and Ranchers Leadership Conference, and collegiate members may compete in the statewide Collegiate Discussion Meet sponsored by the Farm Bureau YF&R program.
Businesses (agriculturally related and non-agriculturally related) may join as Business Support Members. “Business Support Members” information is listed in the Business Members section of our website, encouraging visitors to our website to do business with you!
Friends of Madera County Farm Bureau (FFB) is our newest membership. Now offering three premium memberships, allowing businesses and individuals the ability to provide a greater commitment to the goals of the Farm Bureau. FFB members are like-minded people who know the value of farming and ranching in Madera County and want to help promote them.
The three premium memberships are: Platinum Sponsorship $5,000, Gold Sponsorship $3,000 and Silver $1,500. FFB members will be specially recognized for their commitment to the growth and objectives of Farm Bureau.
In Person
Come into the office at 1102 So. Pine St. in Madera, or give us a call at (559) 674-8871 and we will help you through the simple process.
By Telephone
Call the Member Help Desk at 1-800-698-FARM (3276) and have your VISA or MasterCard ready for dues payment. Be ready to provide name, address, phone and specify that you would like to join Madera County Farm Bureau.
By Mail
Complete and mail an application form to the:
Membership Department
California Farm Bureau Federation
2300 River Plaza Drive, Sacramento, CA 95833