We are all very aware that we are taking water from our underground aquifer at an unsustainable rate.
On July 21st the Madera County Board of Supervisors voted to approve the Gunner West development which could have up to 3,000 new homes all of which would be supplied water from pumped ground water. Only Supervisor Rogers voted against going ahead with this project. On July 22nd the same Supervisors directed staff to draw up proposals for recommendations to the Board on ways to reduce the overdraft of the County’s groundwater.
On July 29th the Madera County Farm Bureau met and came up with 5 recommendations for the County:
1) that the County proceed with its formulation of the JPA (joint powers authority) as soon as possible.
2) that the County proceed to finality with the AB3030 planning as soon as possible. This is a State required assessment of our groundwater overdraft situation.
3) that all new wells have meters installed.
4) that the County place a hold on all new residential housing developments.
5) that the County sue appropriate parties regarding county of origin water with respect to the San Joaquin River Restoration Settlement Agreement.
See Ya,
Tom Coleman