Spring is here and everything is moving at a rapid pace, which is nothing new to farmers. We adapt and react to situations that we are faced with. The new growing season is a blessed one;
we have received a bountiful water supply to grow our crops and see them through to harvest. I urge everyone, no matter what the price of water is, to use that precious resource. There are many areas that will receive much less and pay dearly for the same resource that we have readily available.
Speaking of water, as we move closer to the next SGMA implementation deadline, using surface water will be a very important task for growers. As the season progresses and weather changes, please properly train your employees about pesticide safety and drift issues. We need to exercise caution while we are applying fungicide and sulfur dust on our properties. It is crucial that we do not rush or allow drift or spray into oncoming traffic or near a school bus. Either of these actions can cause problems for all of us in the agricultural community. Please take a little time and go over safety procedures with all your employees about spray safety.
Please mark your calendars for May 7th, our annual wine tasting and scholarship event that supports the local youth in agriculture. It will be held at Peters Brother’s Nursery. All proceeds go to the scholarship fund. Please visit our website or call our office for ticket information. Hope to see you all there.
I wish everyone a great growing year ahead!