President's Message

May 2024

Poof! It’s Mother’s Day weekend! I’m currently sitting in my comfortable car hauler trailer at Portland International Raceways in Portland, OR. Last weekend my hubby supported my passion and this weekend I’m supporting his. Farming and racing. It’s kind of cool to think about similarities between the two. The most glaring one is that both professions/hobbies require a person to think through all the “what ifs” and careful preparation of the land or car. Then you take the calculated risks. In the end, it usually comes down to pure, dumb luck that the crop held until harvest or that the car and driver held together to finish the race. I won’t even get started on the costs of it all! At the end of the day, when the lights go down at the track, we are grateful if the car is in good shape and the driver is in good shape. In the Fall, we are grateful if we had enough water and nutrients for a good crop and the orchard will have what it needs to be healthy next year. It’s definitely all about finding the balance of what is enough to succeed without spending unnecessary time, energy and money.

Last Sunday was the Margaritas at the Mahils’ event benefiting MCFB’s scholarship fund. Here are some fun facts: MCFB has been giving out scholarships for 29 years. 250 students have been helped for a total of $735,000. One of my favorite things to do at the event is to reconnect with the parents of past scholarship recipients. Especially after the first year of college. It’s fun to hear how the first year went for both the parents and their child. Every once in a while one of our recipients will pass through as part of their career. It’s always rewarding to see where these young people have been and where they are planning to go.

I got to thinking about how long we have been offering these scholarships. I believe my Dad was MCFB President when the seed of a scholarship was planted. He also served on the first committee and could commiserate with me when I lamented that it was hard to turn down some of the students. My brother also served on the scholarship committee while he was a Director. These were facts I didn’t know until very recently. It’s another cool legacy feather in my cap. I guess I am my father’s daughter even though I accidentally got here. God and the universe have a way of putting me right where I need to be even when I question the sanity of it all!

Back to the event, we had a fantastic turnout! The overall vibe for me was one of celebration and hope. Celebrating the fact that young adults still want to do what we do and some hope that we can hang on long enough for them to take the reins. What was super neat was that at the end of the event, no one seemed in a hurry to leave. I think it helped that every 45 minutes or so, the caterer filled the tables with different food items. I can’t speak for anyone else, but everything I ate was great! We even had to send someone on an emergency Mango Margarita mix run! It was a beautiful day, just like I promised I had ordered. Knowing that next year will be the big 3-0, I’ve already started thinking about the event. While I’m not convinced that it should be Star Wars themed, as a staff member has suggested because it will land on May 4th (you know, May the force(th) be with you), I do think it should be commemorated somehow. Please feel free to send ideas to the office!

I would like to say a special thank you to Michele Lasgoity. She was one of the first people to suggest a scholarship and to put it all together. She is the one that does the initial screening of the applications. She also serves as treasurer and secretary of the committee. Last year, Michele was benched from participating in the interviews because of an unforeseen curveball. I don’t know if she was more upset by the curveball or that it forced her to sit on the sidelines. I see the administration of these scholarships as her lasting legacy. Not that she is going anywhere anytime soon. I guess I’m trying to say that I’m grateful that Michele, my Dad, and a few others felt the need and the calling to help ensure our youth have a chance to succeed.

Another special shout-out is to Jay and his beautiful wife for hosting this event. Their oasis is a perfect spot for a great event, and I’m grateful that they continue to open their gates for us!

Thank you to all that bought tickets, bid on auction items, and came out to spend a few hours celebrating our youth. Without you, these scholarships wouldn’t be possible!

Last but certainly not least, a huge THANK YOU to MCFB staff. Their hard work makes these events look easy. MCFB friends, Maria and Paulette, are wonderful for donating their time to help keep the events running smoothly. Executive Director Christina is truly skilled at what I like to call “cat wrangling.” I don’t know what I would do without her!

And now, back to my hubby’s races!

© Madera County Farm Bureau
All Rights Reserved 2021

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