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Executive Address

May 2017

‘Tis the season to be busy! While all of you are preparing your crops for the season, farm bureau staff has been working to stay on top of all the issues its members have to deal with. As you know we’ve had several training sessions to ensure that members are keeping up to date with compliance. We have two more scheduled, Heat Illness on May 16th and Harvest Safety on June 29th. Make sure to get signed up! As the temperature rises OSHA will more than likely be in full force, doing inspections to make sure operations are up to snuff. On that note, make sure you all have your new OSHA posters.

There were several changes effective January 1, 2017, that drastically changed the prior year’s posters, so if you need an updated copy, FB has them available at the office. Here at the office we’ve also been busy trying to keep up with what’s going on with water, not only in the county, but across the state. As many of you know the first SGMA deadline is fast approaching, and phase two is underway. All of the ground within the three subbasins in Madera County has been covered under a groundwater sustainability agency (GSA), and the last of the GSAs should become exclusive within the month. As the next phase commences, keep an eye out from the districts and the County for notices on what’s going on. There should be another round of stakeholder engagement soon. If you are not familiar with SGMA or need more information please do not hesitate to reach out to us at the farm bureau. We have lots of information, and have organized a group to help landowners that do not have access to surface water, come up with creative ways to deal with the situation. We are working with the County to make sure everyone has a voice in this implementation process. If you would like more information about the landowner group (Madera County Water Association), please reach out to me soon, as we are in the process of putting together the board and area maps.

On a positive note, MCFB has also been working on providing new benefits to its members. We recently partnered with Ariat in Fresno to have a Member Appreciation Event. Madera County Farm Bureau members who present their membership card in store May 19-21, will receive a 20% discount on their entire purchase. CFBF has also launched a new benefit for members statewide, O’Reillys Auto Parts will provide a 5-20%. We are continuing to expand our benefits and will be launching a local discount brochure soon.

If anyone has any questions, comments or concerns please do not hesitate to contact any of our board members or myself. We are always open to suggestions, and want to make sure our members are getting what they want/need.