Business Name: Shredding by Bursey
Owner/Representative Name: Keith Bursey
Location (Address): Madera, CA
Phone: 559-352-0926
What year did your Company/Business/Farm get started?
What kinds of products/produce/merchandise do you sell/grow/distribute? What brands?
We provide a shredding service for orchard prunings. We use engine driven and PTO driven Rears Shredders. These machines are used in almonds, pistachios, pomegranates, walnuts, and citrus orchards.
Who is the target audience for your Company/Business/Farm? For example: Children, Farmers, Dairymen, Low Income, Schools, Everyone, etc.
We provide this service for orchard growers & managers in Madera, Fresno, & southern Merced Counties.
What changes have you made in your business to stay up to date with current trends? For example: new products, today’s youth, the green movement, alternative sources of power, advertising strategy, etc.
This service is pretty new to the orchard industry, and it sole purpose is to avoid open burning of the orchard prunings. The pieces of equipment that we use have newer engines that are more efficient. The end result with this service is better for environment and has been a very economical benefit for the grower, as well.
Are you concerned with the water issues that we face in the Central Valley? What are your specific concerns?
The water issues are very important topics for everyone in valley. The recent water shortages had a trickle down effect to many communities and industries
What hobbies do you enjoy when you are not working?
I try to get to a NHRA or NASCAR race once a year, and spend as much time with my family as I can.
Which California Farm Bureau benefit do you find most beneficial to your company? For example: Farm Labor Services, car & hotel rental service, insurance benefits, Farm Bureau Bank, regulatory compliance, Farm Bureau News advertisement, local political representation, informational website:
The hotel service, the insurance and the new information that comes from Farm Bureau are all great benefits in being a member.
Length of Madera County Farm Bureau membership?
Member since 2001