President's Message

February 2012

It’s official, well, sort of: We’ll get six more weeks of winter.  World renown meteorologist Punxsutawney Phil crawled out of his burrow and saw his shadow this week and as the legend goes, we will have six more weeks of winter, which brings us roughly to the second week of March.  This sure isn’t your typical late winter weather pattern! 

Looking ahead at additional rain patterns (or lack thereof), we may be headed for some significant crop disaster reports in 2012.  If you’re a rancher looking for rain to keep your cattle on the dry feed longer, or a nut farmer looking for the bees to stay dry so you can get the blooms you need–we can only have one side of the abnormal weather coin at this point.  I would encourage you to stay in contact with the Farm Bureau office so that we can assist you in filing your 2012 disaster declarations if necessary.  Yes –this is a new service!  If you have more questions regarding crop assistance and disaster mitigation, please contact the Farm Bureau office.

February finally brings our much anticipated trade conference to light as the Farm Bureau will explore deep rooted trade issues affecting California agriculture.  Many different commodities will be well represented during this whirlwind discussion on Tuesday, February 28th, so please mark your calendars for this historic event.  We’ve kept it very short this year –it would be great to see as many of you as possible!


See Ya!

Tom Rogers

© Madera County Farm Bureau
All Rights Reserved 2021

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